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How Much Do Freelance Web Designers Charge? (2024 Guide)

Who is a Freelance Web Designer?

A web designer or developer professionally creates a website for their clients. A freelance web designer works individually without affiliating with a company or agency. Freelance or not, a web designer’s main field is developing a website from start to finish.

Rates of Freelance Web Designers in the UK

We have researched the average rates of freelance web designers in the UK. Please keep in mind that these quotes are estimations based on market trends and can vary with each freelancer.

  • A freelancer can charge around £10–£100 per hour, depending on how advanced their skills are.
  • A lot of freelancers design their pricing per day at around £200–£400. These rates are usually just calculated from their hourly rates. Different freelance web designers will have different rates based on how many hours they work each day.

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Key Factors That Shape These Costs

The costs of hiring a freelance web designer can change depending on various factors. We will discuss them in detail below.

Skillset and work experience of web designers

To explain how costs can vary with expertise, we will group web designer freelancers in the UK into three categories:

Freelancer Web Designer Skills Charges in the UK per hour
Junior level
£10 to £30
£35 and £65
Expert level
£70 and £100
  • Junior freelance web designers typically charge lower rates as they are just starting their careers. Their hourly rates generally range from £10 to £30. You can mostly find them on freelancing platforms like Fiverr.
  • Mid-level freelance web designers possess a decent skill set, indicating that they have completed several projects and have established a reputation for their work. While many advertise their services through their own websites, you can also find them on platforms like Fiverr. Their hourly rates usually fall between £35 and £65.
  • Expert web designers, naturally, charge the highest fees due to their extensive experience and the diversity of their projects. Their portfolios are notably superior, reflecting their professional expertise. Expert freelance web designers typically charge between £70 and £100 per hour.

Location from where they work

Freelancers are all about remote work. Hence, they operate from various locations, which can affect their rates.

For example, a web designer based in London typically faces higher living expenses compared to those in the southern cities of the UK. Consequently, their rates are likely to be higher to reflect these increased expenses.

The complexity of your website

Prices can also vary depending on what features you need for your website. We have listed some features that you want on a website. And how they can vary to cost you less or more.

  • Design Customisation: If the design of your website is template-based then it will cut down on the final price. However, It’ll be expensive if the design is custom-built because of the creativity, time, and technical skills that go into the process.
  • Engagement tools: Simple features like contact forms or static pages are cheaper. But technical features like user logins, e-commerce systems, and interactive tools are pricey because they require more programming.
  • Visual elements: Multimedia and visual elements such as images or standard videos are cost-effective but custom graphics or animations will add to the cost.
  • SEO: Basic optimisation for search engines is cost-effective and comes with the package but advanced strategies for optimisation can be costly.

website Type

There are different types of websites and each requires a different level of coding skills. With each type of website, complexity, features, and technical skills vary, which automatically affects costs.
Here’s how the type of website affects costs:

Basic Websites

Basic websites include informational sites with simple pages like Home, About, and Contact. The costs of such websites are generally low because they require minimal design and basic functionality.

Here is an example of a basic website and how it looks:

How much do freelance web designers charge - simple website

E-commerce Websites

E-commerce websites are specially designed for online businesses. The pages display online sales, product galleries, shopping carts, and a system to pay online. The prices for such websites are higher due to complex programming and security requirements.

Here’s an example of an e-commerce website and how it looks:

How much do freelance web designers charge - e-commerce website

Business Websites

Business websites combine elements of basic websites with additional features like blogs, customer support, or interactive contact forms. These are also designed for businesses but do not include payment systems like e-commerce websites. Their price can vary from moderate to high based on the design and the number of pages.

Here’s an example of a business website and how it looks:

How much do freelance web designers charge - business website

3 Common Pricing Models

We will discuss 3 common pricing models that freelancers use to price their services.

Per hour services

The freelancer already has a set rate per hour for their services. If the range falls within your budget, you decide to work with them. This model is perfect for projects where the scope is not clearly defined beforehand. You get a final price for your website depending on the hours they worked to complete it.

Per day services

Per-day rates are similar to hourly pricing but billed by the day. Freelancers have fixed rates per day or they calculate them by multiplying the rate per hour by the number of hours worked. This is suitable for projects that require full days of work and is often used when a freelancer needs to be available throughout the business day.

Per page pricing

This model charges a flat fee for each page, commonly used when building basic websites. It is effective for projects where the requirements are straightforward and do not demand advanced coding. With this model, clients appreciate knowing the total cost upfront, based solely on the number of pages their website will include.

Reasons to Choose a Freelance Web Designer for Your Project

Flexibility and availability

Freelancers can start projects immediately and adapt schedules flexibly. All work according to their schedules so they are often available for urgent updates outside typical office hours.

Effective communication

One big benefit of working with a freelance web designer is that you can communicate directly with the person designing your website, to convey your ideas. Freelancers also offer frequent updates on project progress so that you can see the process in real-time.

Experts in their field of work

Freelancer web designers specialise in building different types of websites, continuously enhancing their skills. They are motivated to meet client expectations to maintain their reputation and client base.

Detailed attention for every client

Freelance web designers customise every aspect of their project to match the client’s exact needs and goals. They dedicate more time to each client due to handling fewer projects at once.

Tips to Hire a Freelance Web Designer for Your Website

  • Set a realistic budget by evaluating your website’s needs.
  • Decide what type of website you need based on what features you expect.
  • Know market trends and rates.
  • Evaluate proposals and portfolios before hiring.
  • Don’t be afraid to negotiate rates to come to an agreement that respects both your budget and the designer’s value.

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Written by:

Picture of Isabella Robinson
Isabella Robinson
Isabella Robinson is a seasoned business content writer, leveraging several years of experience to craft impactful narratives that seamlessly blend business insights with engaging storytelling across diverse industries. Her expertise lies in delivering compelling content that resonates with audiences.

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