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Card Machine Costs: Everything You Need to Know (2024 Guide)

What are card machines?

Card machines allow businesses to accept payments from debit and credit cards with just a quick swipe, tap, or insert. These machines, a staple at checkout counters everywhere, make transactions smoother and faster for customers and businesses. They are also known as card terminals or PDQ machines.

Why does your business need a card machine?

Card machines make it easier for your business to process payments and make it convenient for your customers to buy goods and services from you. According to UK Finance, contactless and card payments were the most used payment options in 2023.

Card machines also help your business increase sales by reaching a broader customer base, and streamlining business operations.

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Costs of card machines

One of the biggest factors you’ll need to consider while buying card machines is their price. Here, we break down the different elements of the price of card machines to help you choose the right card machine for your business.

How much does a card machine cost?

The cost of a card machine depends on the provider you choose. You also need to consider other factors like the type of card machine, what additional services the provider offers, how many terminals you need, and whether you buy or rent it.

Purchase Option Cost Range Terminal Costs
Buy Outright
£19 - £230 + VAT
One-off upfront fee
£10 - £25/month
Regular monthly cost

Note: Additional card processing fees apply to both purchasing options, which are detailed further below.

Breakdown of card machine price

To simplify, we split expenses into merchant account fees and card machine prices, helping you make informed choices for your business. Merchant accounts process your card payments, so when we talk about card machine expenses, you’ll know how it all fits together for your business. 

Note that these costs apply whether you buy or rent a card machine.

Merchant account-related costs

Merchant account costs: Fees for the bank account needed to take card payments.

Merchant service charge: Fees banks charge for accepting credit card transactions, typically 0.2% to 0.3%.

PCI compliance fee: Monthly or annual fee for meeting Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard requirements. Providers may charge around £5 a month, though some providers might cover this compliance, negating the fee.

Refund fees: Charges for processing refunds.

Foreign transaction fees: Additional fees for transactions involving foreign cards and currency conversion.

Chargeback fees: Fees applied when a customer disputes a transaction, potentially including the loss of the transaction amount if resolved in the buyer’s favor.

Card machine-related costs

Terminal costs: Upfront fees or monthly costs for buying or renting the terminal.

Transaction costs: Percentage fees for each transaction, generally between 1% and 3%, with higher fees for Amex transactions.

Monthly minimum service charge: Required minimum amount in transaction fees, with payments of usually between £10 and £20 a month if the minimum is not met.

Set-up fees: Charges for setting up the system, around £50 to £100.

Shipping costs: Fees for delivering the device.

Cancellation fee: Fees for terminating a contract early.

Card machine price: Mobile vs. portable vs. countertop

Depending on your business’s unique needs, you might want to consider different types of card machines: mobile, portable, and countertop. Each comes with its own set of features, benefits, and, importantly, cost implications.

CardMachine Type Cost Features Benefits
From £15/month
Fixed location connectivity, High-security
Ideal for retail with a single payment point
From £20 - £25/month
WiFi/Bluetooth connectivity, Portable
Flexible for tableside or outdoor payments
Buy from £20 – £60
Uses mobile connection, Compact design
Perfect for on-the-go transactions

Buying vs renting card machines

Businesses in the UK rent card machines often. But you may purchase card machines outright depending on your business needs. Here are the pros and cons of buying or renting your card machine.

Options Pros Cons
One-off payment, avoiding monthly expenses.
Maintenance and repair costs post-warranty are high. Risk of technology becoming outdated.
Low upfront cost. Includes repair/replacement, technical support, and upgrade options.
Long-term contracts can be restrictive and more expensive over time compared to buying outright.

How to Select A Card Machine For Your Business?

When choosing a card machine, it’s crucial to think about what your business needs. Different types of card machines cater to different roles; sometimes, mixing and matching can be the best way.

Take a restaurant, for example. They might have a countertop card machine at the register for quick checkouts but also use mobile card machines for table-side payments. This not only makes things more convenient for diners, who can pay right from their table, but it might also enhance the overall experience for customers who prefer takeouts or ordering from their vehicles.

Deciding whether to buy or rent card machines depends a lot on your business’s size and type. Large retail stores often rent their card machines to keep up with the latest technology and benefit from included insurance on the devices. Renting can be handy for businesses with seasonal peaks too, as it allows for scaling up or down without huge commitments. However, keep in mind that over time, those rental costs can add up.

Then there’s a case with mobile businesses, like food trucks. Food trucks tend to move around a lot, making a portable card reader a smart purchase. Buying the equipment outright means dodging regular rental fees and can be more cost-effective over a long time. Plus, the flexibility of a mobile reader is perfect for selling in different spots without being tied down.

Each choice has its upsides and downsides, and what works best really depends on the nature of your business and how you manage your finances.

If you run a busy boutique with lots of transactions, buying your machines might pay off faster. But if you have a pop-up shop that only opens now and then, renting could be exactly what you need. We suggest you consider your immediate needs against your long-term plans. Consider how each option aligns with your day-to-day operations, customer service approach, and financial goals to make the best decision for your business’s future.

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The decision to rent or buy a credit card machine depends on your business’s specific needs and circumstances. Renting may be the best option if you’re looking for lower upfront costs and flexibility to upgrade to the latest technology without additional investment. Whereas, buying a credit card machine might suit you if you prefer owning the equipment outright, avoiding ongoing monthly rental fees, and planning to use the machine for a long time.

Merchant account fees, transaction costs (1% to 3%), monthly minimum service charges, PCI compliance fees, and other related fees. Read the blog in detail to learn in detail.

Setup times in the UK can vary depending on the provider you choose. Typically, you can use your device after a few days or a week once the device is delivered.

Written by:

Picture of Isabella Robinson
Isabella Robinson
Isabella Robinson is a seasoned business content writer, leveraging several years of experience to craft impactful narratives that seamlessly blend business insights with engaging storytelling across diverse industries. Her expertise lies in delivering compelling content that resonates with audiences.

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